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Is your business protected by multi-factor authentication (2FA)? It needs to be…
September 7th, 2020

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) or two-factor authentication (2FA) are increasingly being made mandatory by organisations as they try to counteract the prevalence of phishing attacks and automated bot networks orchestrating credential stuffing attacks.

A key example of how effective 2FA is – In 2017 Google made it mandatory that all of its employees use 2FA security methods and issued nearly all of its employees with USB-based 2FA keys. Out of the 85,000 employees at the time, none had fallen victim to a phishing attack due to the effectiveness of 2FA.

Knowall is recommending for all clients to implement Multi-factor authentication/two-factor authentication (2FA) due to the high numbers of phishing attacks & stuffing attacks… as does the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which notes:

“The bad guys have got really good at compromising passwords and they have a lot of tools at their disposal.”

“Using a separate password for every service protects you against some of these, but not all, and it’s impossible for someone to do this across all their passwords without help of some kind. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), on the other hand, buys a lot of additional security for relatively little pain, and this is always going to be a good thing.”

If you are interested in finding out more about Multi-factor authentication and how we can help secure your company. Please contact us or book a call below.

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