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Exchange Mailbox Store Fails to Mount – use eseutil & ISINTEG
January 29th, 2011

If your Exchange information store fails to mount due to corrupt or other errors, use the inbuilt eseutil and Isinteg tools, found in c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\. Prior to running the eseutil, ensure you have enough disk free space on the said drive equivilent to the size of of your priv1.edb and priv1.stm. If not enough space is available copy the \bin folder to a drive with space and run the tools from this drive, the temp files will then be created here.

Example 1
from command prompt call the directory that contains eseutil – move bin folder to drive with enough space, see above
cd e:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\

Run the tool specifying where the priv.edb is held, use switches as appropriate run eseutil from prompt to find switches
eseutil /p “e:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb”

If your database will still not mount run Isinteg tool

Example 2 Isinteg tool
In a similar manor call the directory
cd e:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\

Isinteg -s [servername] -fix -test alltests

If the tool fails to run move log files in your Mdbdata directory to another location and try again. The reason this is required, if you have run an Eseutil /d, the log files become are no good. The log files have a database ID written into them when they are generated. When you run a defrag of a database, a new database ID is created.

If you are struggling to recover your database contact our IT Support department who will be happy to assist with any repairs and recovery of your exchange databases. You will simply pay for the time you use, no commitment.

Need IT Support? Speak to me, Sylvester
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