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Why training staff on cyber security is important to your business
August 10th, 2021

Staff are often the cause of security issues, including costly data breaches. Ensuring employees have been trained to understand and identify security standards, best practices and regulations can be vital in ensuring your organisation is protected against cyber threats.

Cyber security training is the most effective way of educating employees on the risks they should avoid and the steps they should take if they are unsure about what to do in certain scenarios.

In partnership with IT Governance, Knowall IT recommends the Cyber Security Complete E-learning Suite, which provides a cost-effective, flexible, and efficient way of educating employees from just £16 per user.

Four cyber security staff awareness e-learning courses and a game to train staff on best-practice

  • Ensure staff can spot and respond to cyber security and privacy risks.
  • Test learner knowledge to prove compliance for auditing purposes.
  • Train staff under one, manageable contract with these cost-effective, annual licences.
  • Developed by industry experts, the programmes are updated every three months to ensure the content remains relevant.
  • Customise the courses by adding links to company documents, policies, and procedures.
  • Fast deployment with instant access to all courses.
  • Reinforce awareness with monthly security updates, which include the latest news and tips.

As this is an annual package, you can roll courses out throughout the year to ensure staff awareness remains at the forefront of your business while avoiding the risk of overloading employees with too much training in one go.

Contact us today to find out more.

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