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BT Power Failure And Why You Should Have A Failover Line
October 4th, 2011
Categories: Broadband

A power failure yesterday at one of BT’s major exchanges was causing huge ADSL issues all over the UK for the most part of the day. As we all know, businesses rely on the internet, without the internet your business will be unable to operate and this can have many negative impacts depending on the length of the down time.

At Knowall IT we recommend to our clients that they have a failover line with a different ISP, so in the above instance, when the BT line goes down, it will failover to the secondary line. This is an automated process that is done by the firewall so you will not even notice the internet going down.

Knowall IT offers a managed firewall service where you can rent the equipment from us and we will fully manage and support the firewall. Knowall can also offer business grade broadband solutions – Click Here

Please get in contact with us if you are looking for a more reliable and robust broadband solution.

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