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Microsoft Exchange Online users will be disconnected if they still using basic authentication – Deadline Oct. 1 2022
October 3rd, 2022
Categories: Windows

Microsoft Exchange Online users have until Sat, 1 October 2022, to move away from the highly vulnerable “basic authentication” login method or risk having their services interrupted, according to a statement from Microsoft.

Microsoft has stated it would start randomly picking tenants to disable their basic authentication access for various Exchange services.

“Starting October 1st, we will start to randomly select tenants and disable basic authentication access for MAPI, RPC, Offline Address Book (OAB), Exchange Web Services (EWS), POP, IMAP, Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), and Remote PowerShell,”

They have said many users are unprepared and/or unwilling to updated their security method. But said its very necessary to protect user data.

Worried you might still be using basic authentication? Contact us today.

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