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Latest Post - NHS Ransomware Attack: The Urgent Need for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Recently, a cyber attack on a critical NHS provider has highlighted the profound impact such incidents can have on essential services and operations. Vital medical procedures have been postponed due to IT disruptions caused by ransomware. This incident underscores the seriousness of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our increasingly digital world. It emphasises the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures, not only for large organisations like the NHS but for businesses of all sizes. This event is a powerful reminder of why every business must prioritise cybersecurity to protect operations and, most importantly, ...
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Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2: Time for an Upgrade
January 18th, 2024
Categories: Windows
In the ever-evolving realm of technology, software inevitably reaches the end of its lifecycle. Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 exemplify this evolution. If your organisation still relies on Windows S...
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Microsoft Exchange Online users will be disconnected if they still using basic authentication – Deadline Oct. 1 2022
October 3rd, 2022
Categories: Windows
Microsoft Exchange Online users have until Sat, 1 October 2022, to move away from the highly vulnerable “basic authentication” login method or risk having their services interrupted, accor...
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Windows 11 release date and what to expect
September 24th, 2021
Windows 11 will start to roll out to eligible users from the 5th of October - All users that are using windows 10 currently will have the option to upgrade for free and all new PC's w...
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How to download Windows 11 once it’s available
July 26th, 2021
Windows 11 will to be releasing this year. And if you're already a Windows 10 user, it will be free to upgrade to Microsoft's newly redesigned operating system. As long as your PC meets certain minimu...
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I’m still on Windows 7 – what should I do?
January 24th, 2020
Windows 7, which was launched in 2009, has now come to the end of its supported life as of the 14th January 2020. It will not stop working, but it will stop receiving security updates, which will resu...
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Known bug with windows 10 and Remote Desktop (RDS) – Remote Apps – Selected Windows do not respond [FIX]
February 12th, 2018
[Update 2018/08/30] This has now been resolve, please ensure all windows updates are applied. [UPDATE 2018/07/02] Download the EXE fix ...
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