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Latest Post - NHS Ransomware Attack: The Urgent Need for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Recently, a cyber attack on a critical NHS provider has highlighted the profound impact such incidents can have on essential services and operations. Vital medical procedures have been postponed due to IT disruptions caused by ransomware. This incident underscores the seriousness of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our increasingly digital world. It emphasises the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures, not only for large organisations like the NHS but for businesses of all sizes. This event is a powerful reminder of why every business must prioritise cybersecurity to protect operations and, most importantly, ...
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Swyx integration in Microsoft Teams
June 15th, 2021
Categories: Swyx Telephony, VOIP
BENEFITING FROM SYNERGIES TOGETHER Take advantage of Swyx's rich telephony feature set, powerful call routing options, the flexible terminal support and the extensive connection op...
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Swyx & Microsoft Teams – A very strong connection
May 12th, 2021
Swyx and Microsoft Teams On Swyx 12.30 you can now synchronise the presence status on your Teams with Swyx. This now makes it possible, to control a parallel call in the Swyx clien...
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Microsoft Teams Direct Routing – Give Teams a Voice
July 6th, 2020
Microsoft Teams is the fastest growing application in the history of Microsoft. Teams is included in all Microsoft 365 Enterprise plans and most Business plans. You may already use it for your in-hous...
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Getting through the COVID-19 lockdown and beyond
April 2nd, 2020
We’re in this together! So, your mind is spinning with how quick things are changing at the moment - we understand, we’re in this together. Here’s the good news. At Knowall I...
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Local Presence Dialling including Mobiles
March 1st, 2020
People are nearly four times more likely to answer calls from local numbers and we’ve developed a platform that will display a local number when not only dialling a landline, but also the end users ...
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Sound Issues when Running Swyx and Skype for Business
April 25th, 2016
Have you experienced sounds issues when running Swyx and Skype for Business side by side? Are you hearing multiple dial tones when answering a call?     Our advice is to:...
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Swyx out of the cloud
November 16th, 2015
Categories: Swyx Telephony, VOIP
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SwyxIt Basic Demo
November 16th, 2015
Categories: Swyx Telephony, VOIP
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There are many benefits to enabling flexible home working
July 14th, 2015
Categories: Cloud, Swyx Telephony, VOIP
There are many benefits to enabling flexible home working, but one of the biggest challenges in doing so is getting the user connected to the phone system and ensuring staff stay connected with each o...
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konftel 300wx DECT Conference Phone Keeps Coming Up With Line In Use
July 7th, 2015
If you're pairing your konftel 300wx DECT conference phone with a Gigaset N300 IP DECT base station in order to make the conference phone connect to a VoIP phone system such as the
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Swyx 2015 – No VPN Required For Remote Workers
February 16th, 2015
Matt has just enabled my SWYX to be used without the VPN. It’s been great not having to worry about logging onto the VPN to enable SWYX, as it's instantly on when I login to my PC. But t...
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Top 10 Benefits of Flexible / Home Working for Employers
July 22nd, 2014
Categories: Cloud, Swyx Telephony, VOIP
Top 10 Benefits of Flexible / Home Working for Employers? As an employee there are many benefits to working from home such as more time with the family, reduction in stress and less ...
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SwxyIt on a MAC
March 21st, 2014
Categories: Cloud, Swyx Telephony, VOIP
If you would like SwyxIt on your MAC this can be achieved, we have clients running this. You will need to: 1. Configure your 2008 or 2012 server to deliver SwyxIt through Remote App...
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The Benefits of SIP Trunking
February 4th, 2014
Categories: Swyx Telephony, VOIP
The Benefits of SIP Trunking Research from Infonetics shows us that more and more businesses are realising the true benefits of SIP T...
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How To Increase DTMF Signal Strength In Swyx 2013
January 7th, 2014
1. Use Regedit to edit the Windows registry on the Swyx Server 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > Swyx > LinkMgr > CurrentVersion > Options 3. Right-Click a...
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SwyxIT Click to Dial from Web-Based Applications
May 24th, 2013
If you have a CRM or web based application you can implement SWYXIT  ‘Click to Dial’ This works in exactly the same way as the old
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speed test your voip – simulate VOIP calls through this
May 15th, 2013
Categories: Swyx Telephony, VOIP
use this test to help understand whether your broadband line will support VOIP
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