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Latest Post - NHS Ransomware Attack: The Urgent Need for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Recently, a cyber attack on a critical NHS provider has highlighted the profound impact such incidents can have on essential services and operations. Vital medical procedures have been postponed due to IT disruptions caused by ransomware. This incident underscores the seriousness of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our increasingly digital world. It emphasises the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures, not only for large organisations like the NHS but for businesses of all sizes. This event is a powerful reminder of why every business must prioritise cybersecurity to protect operations and, most importantly, ...
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How to add phone number hyperlinks to SharePoint when not supported [Work around]
June 17th, 2022
Categories: SharePoint
While setting up a new SharePoint site we came across an issue with one of the themes where the web parts don't allow the tel:// protocol input. When adding a button the web part would only allow http...
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