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Latest Post - NHS Ransomware Attack: The Urgent Need for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Recently, a cyber attack on a critical NHS provider has highlighted the profound impact such incidents can have on essential services and operations. Vital medical procedures have been postponed due to IT disruptions caused by ransomware. This incident underscores the seriousness of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our increasingly digital world. It emphasises the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures, not only for large organisations like the NHS but for businesses of all sizes. This event is a powerful reminder of why every business must prioritise cybersecurity to protect operations and, most importantly, ...
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Streamline Business Processes
May 7th, 2024
Are you looking to take your business to new heights of efficiency and productivity? We're dedicated to helping businesses like yours achieve just that through innovative technology solutions....
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Heads Up Adobe Acrobat Pro Users: New Pricing Effective July 1, 2023
May 10th, 2023
Categories: IT Support
Attention Adobe Acrobat Pro users! We wanted to give you a quick heads up that Adobe has announced a price increase for its Acrobat Pro subscription plans. Starting from 1 July 2023, ...
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Outsourcing IT Management: The Benefits of Knowall’s Fully Managed Services
January 3rd, 2023
Categories: IT Support
Fully managed IT services refer to a comprehensive approach to managing and maintaining an organisation's technology infrastructure. This includes everything from hardware and software to netw...
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Considering office relocation? Knowall is your one-stop-shop for everything IT and telecoms related
September 21st, 2022
Categories: IT Support
When considering an office relocation, we would like you to think of us as your ‘one-stop-shop’ for everything IT and telecoms related. Our objective is to take the stress out...
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Did you know we offer multiple partnership schemes?
February 18th, 2022
Knowall’s Channel Partnership Programme is all about helping your company to extend and maximize your business opportunities and profits. Provide additional cloud services to you...
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Free download – Decoding modern day phishing attacks
November 15th, 2021
Categories: IT Support, Security, Tech
Since many companies have made the shift too remote working this has further increased the possibility of Phishing Attacks on company infrastructure. Many companies have had to quickly adapt t...
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Computer feeling a bit slow? Few tips to speeding your PC up
October 26th, 2021
There are several factors as to why your computer might be feeling slow. We'll explain a few reasons why. And how you could speed things up. Not enough RAM -
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Windows 11 release date and what to expect
September 24th, 2021
Windows 11 will start to roll out to eligible users from the 5th of October - All users that are using windows 10 currently will have the option to upgrade for free and all new PC's w...
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The new Whatsapp hacking scam – And how to protect your account
May 19th, 2021
In the last few years the the Facebook-owned messaging platform Whatsapp has been in the media for security issues. However there is a new WhatsApp hack doing the rounds. And its stupidly simple to ex...
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Swyx & Microsoft Teams – A very strong connection
May 12th, 2021
Swyx and Microsoft Teams On Swyx 12.30 you can now synchronise the presence status on your Teams with Swyx. This now makes it possible, to control a parallel call in the Swyx clien...
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Featured Knowall Microsoft 365 services
April 8th, 2021
At Knowall we take the complexity out of deploying Microsoft 365. Helping you harness the full power of Microsoft 365 without the headache of managing it. Featured Knowall Microsoft 365 ser...
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Is your WordPress site protected from a Brute Force Attack?
March 15th, 2021
A brute force attack is the most common WordPress attack. It's the equivalent of someone trying every key on a key ring until they pick the correct key. Hackers will run scripts trying multiple combin...
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Do we need Cyber Essentials accreditation?
February 22nd, 2021
Categories: IT Support, Security
We are often asked by our clients, ‘Why is Cyber Essentials important?’ and do we need Cyber Essentials Certification? Whether you need the Cyber Essentials accreditation or not completely depends...
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What does the FCA consider to be “effective cyber security practice?”
January 29th, 2021
Whats effective cyber security practice? Risk management You need to know what info you hold and why you ...
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Secure the Home Office
September 25th, 2020
Keep your devices up to date Updating and installing the latest patches remains the most important thing you can do to protect a device, whether it is your organisations or your ow...
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Is your business protected by multi-factor authentication (2FA)? It needs to be…
September 7th, 2020
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) or two-factor authentication (2FA) are increasingly being made mandatory by organisations as they try to counteract the prevalence of phishing attacks and au...
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Convert your Existing Software and Applications to the Cloud
May 5th, 2020
Categories: Cloud, IT Support, Sage, Tech
Do you have a critical line of business application that you are still running on your local server or installed on your local PCs? Are you looking for a way to migrate this to the cl...
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We are here – Ready to help!
April 27th, 2020
Categories: IT Support
As we enter week 6 of the lockdown, Knowall IT would like to offer its hand out. Over the past 5 weeks, we have been working around the clock to support our clients and ensure they are able to functio...
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Getting through the COVID-19 lockdown and beyond
April 2nd, 2020
We’re in this together! So, your mind is spinning with how quick things are changing at the moment - we understand, we’re in this together. Here’s the good news. At Knowall I...
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COVID-19: How to work from home. The right way
March 17th, 2020
Many of our clients have issued mandatory work-from-home policies due to the rapid spread of COVID-19.It’s safe to assume that moving to the “home office” w...
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Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
February 20th, 2020
MFA is a security tool that verifies a users identity by requiring 2 or more layers of authentication before granting the user access. MFA is an effective way to provide enhanced security in a worl...
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I’m still on Windows 7 – what should I do?
January 24th, 2020
Windows 7, which was launched in 2009, has now come to the end of its supported life as of the 14th January 2020. It will not stop working, but it will stop receiving security updates, which will resu...
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Tips for protecting your business against phishing scams – PART 1
November 4th, 2019
Did you know Phishing currently accounts for 90% of data breaches with 30% of Phishing emails being opened? Most of the time these phishing scams can be prevented with a bit of simple know-how. It'...
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With the death of RemoteApps through Azure Knowall offers alternatives
July 4th, 2018
Azure RemoteApp was a feature of Azure and was available only via Azure Service Management (ASM) and not in Azure Remote Management (ARM/CSP). It provided a very easy way to deliver R...
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iPhone Calenders not synchronising Exchange / Office 365 – due to multiple calenders
February 15th, 2018
If iPhone calendars aren’t syncing from the iPhone to Outlook, but they are syncing from Outlook to the iPhone, then the user is not selecting the right calendar when adding an entry. The simplest f...
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Database Development
August 26th, 2016
For clients wishing to develop a new database for the business or re-develop an existing one , Knowall IT works with leading database developer Inventica. Inventica are specialists in bespoke Access ...
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What is a Private Cloud?
August 26th, 2016
Private cloud is a type of cloud computing that delivers similar advantages to public cloud, including scalability and self-service, but through a proprietary architecture. Unlike public clouds, which...
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Sound Issues when Running Swyx and Skype for Business
April 25th, 2016
Have you experienced sounds issues when running Swyx and Skype for Business side by side? Are you hearing multiple dial tones when answering a call?     Our advice is to:...
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Guide to Upgrading your PC to Windows 10
April 25th, 2016
If you’re currently running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you’re eligible for Microsoft’s free upgrade to Windows 10. Windows 10 has now been on the market for a long enough period of time to ensure...
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Run Sage on a Mac or an iPad
March 16th, 2016
Categories: IT Support
Hosting applications in the Cloud provides customers with an alternative deployment solution to the in-house model. Hosting is designed through a consultative approach to ensure your data and applicat...
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Knowall IT – West London Business Award Winners
November 27th, 2015
Categories: Cloud, IT Support
Congratulations to everyone at Knowall IT for winning the Innovation in Business award at the West London Business Awards Dinner last night.
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Summary of memorable things you can do when Technology works
February 5th, 2015
So gents… I am on a high-speed train from Leipzig to Frankfurt, sitting at the restaurant (Italians travel with style).  I am connected to the German telecom hotspot and I have VPNed in. Claudio ...
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Windows XP Support Ending on 8th April 2014
April 7th, 2014
Categories: IT Support
8th April signifies the End of support for Windows XP. From that date you will no longer have access to Windows XP software updates, security updates, hotfixes, free support options or online technica...
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Outlook 2011 Will Not Open On Mac
January 28th, 2014
When outlook 2011 won’t open on a mac How to rebuild your identity database Step 1: Quit all applications You must quit all applications before...
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Error when connecting to Windows Server 2012 from a Windows XP Machine
January 24th, 2014
Categories: Cloud, IT Support
"The remote computer requires Network level authentication which your computer does not support." This error may occour when connecting to a Windows Server 2012 environment from a Windows XP machine ...
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Microsoft Remote Desktop apps for iOS and Android
October 23rd, 2013
After what seemed like an absurd amount of time, Microsoft has released the first official Remote Desktop client for 
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How To Setup A Blackberry On BES
September 25th, 2013
Blackberry: How to Setup BES. First check Email settings See if there is ...
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Cloud Antivirus Management – Benefits and Comparison
August 23rd, 2013
Categories: Cloud, IT Support
The ever-increasing availability of faster, wireless network access, wirelessly enabled laptops and other devices are turning the traditional office into an un-tethered workspace that can happen just ...
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Symantec firewall filtering traffic on a Hyper-V virtual network adapter
May 9th, 2013
Categories: Cloud, IT Support
We have found that implementing Symantec end point on host HyperV machines can effect the ability of VMs to receive traffic, i.e. the host machines AV is filtering traffic on the virtual machines netw...
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Professional IT Support for Charities and Non-Profit Organisations
April 15th, 2013
Categories: IT Support
We have over 10 years of experience implementing, maintaining and supporting affordable IT solutions for Charities and non-profit organisations. Our team of reliable, friendly and knowledgeable engin...
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Teamviewer and SWYX
November 22nd, 2012
running teamviewer on a SWYX server may cause the config datastore to crash Teamviwer utilises TCP port 9094 at times  [TeamViewer_Service.exe]   TCP         127.0.0....
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Hybrid Cloud Computing
November 1st, 2012
Categories: Cloud, IT Support
Our Hybrid Cloud solution provides a redundant and reliable platform to gain quick access to data and applications whether onsite at the office or working from a remote location. This is achieved by h...
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IT Support Paddington / New Office
April 12th, 2012
Categories: IT Support
Knowall IT is excited to announce that we have opened a new office based right next to Paddington station. If you're looking for local IT support in Paddington then please don't hesitate to get in ...
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IT Support London
February 24th, 2012
Categories: IT Support
Knowall IT Ltd is London's leading outsource IT supplier for the SME market with over 500 SME businesses trusting Knowall's advice, support and resources to keep their technology working efficiently. ...
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Share Your Calendar By Using Delegate Access
November 28th, 2011
Similar to having an assistant help you manage your incoming paper mail, you can use Microsoft Outlook to allow another person, known as a delegate, to receive and respond to meeting requests or respo...
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How To Share Your Calendar In Microsoft Outlook
November 23rd, 2011
The default Calendar folder in Outlook is created in each Outlook profile. This folder cannot be renamed or deleted. 1. In Calendar, in the Navigation Pane, click Share My Calendar. NOTE If you are ...
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Home Computer Repairs for West London
April 8th, 2011
Categories: IT Support
Engineers are available for Home Computers, PC, Mac & networking repairs and installs, in West London. Knowall now provide a guaranteed onsite service within 1 hour to: Chelsea, Kensingto...
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Deploying printers to XP in Windows 2008 AD environment
March 10th, 2011
Categories: IT Support
To control printers through Windows 2008 & Group Policy in an XP client environment. 1. Download and install Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions for Windows XP (KB943729) or/and Vista....
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